About us
UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO is one of the leading agri-industrial companies in Ukraine. Fundamental principles of its activity are:
on result
The company’s specialization is:
The company cultivates
The company provides jobs to more than
108 000 hectares
4600 people
Sugar production

in Ukraine
for production
In 2021, UKRPROMINVEST–AGRO produced 263 400 tonnes of sugar. The Company has its own raw material base. Not only does this guarantee independence from external suppliers, it lowers the cost of sugar produced, and guarantees that manufacturing continues uninterrupted, producing high quality yields.
UKRPROMINVEST – AGRO is focused on growing of:

Sugar beet


Soya beans


Sun flowers
The machinery fleet of the company counts more than 850 units

State of the art machinery along with the use of original seeds and fertilisers create the best conditions for maximum output when using modern agri-technologies. It is not uncommon for Company crops to exceed the national average by 50%.
The Company’s Cattle Farming interests are two-fold:

6 420 heads total cattle herd
3 000 cows

11 500 pigs per year
185 kg condition weight
We use modern technology in the care and treatment of our animals, paying close attention to genetic and feeding issues. Sustainable conditions for quality products with stable demand are the result.
UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO is the leader in Ukraine’s grain processing industry

#1 in flour production and export
In Ukraine, we are among the leaders of flour production and flour export. The Company currently exports to Moldova, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Israel, Palestine, Angola, Lebanon, Syria, and Vietnam