Cattle farming

Cattle Farming business is represented by two directions

“UKRPROMINVEST-AGRO” has well-developed cattle farming.
Dairy segment is represented with cattle herd numbering 6420 head, including 3000 milk cows.

«UPI-AGRO» is constantly working at increasing productivity and product quality by implementing modern technologies, investing in the reconstruction and building of new facilities for its livestock.


total cattle stock


milk cows


9720 kg

Ukrainian average 7000kg


Modern approaches toward cattle farming in combination with the high professionalism of the Company’s specialists give stunning results.
In 2021, the productivity per cow amounted 9720 kg. This number is 50% above the national average.

An example of implementation of modern approaches toward cattle farming, could be rearing of calves in outdoor hutches. Rearing of calves in an outdoor environment strengthens their body‘s defences and helps them to acquire resistance to disease.

100% heifers calved for the first time at 24 months of age which is optimum for the cows productivity. The heard basis is Holstein Friesians of American selection as the world's highest-production dairy animals.

The special veterinary mobile unit of high professionals cares about the animals’ health. They are well trained and have at their disposal modern equipment, medicines. The veterinary unit visits the farms on schedule or works as an ambulance. 

Also “UPI-AGRO” focuses on genetics. The Company cooperates with World Wide Sires - the world's leading cattle genetics marketing organization, which provides the best genetic material. Its quality is confirmed by the independent world-wide farmers organization Interbull. Twice a year Interbull publishes world index of the best bulls.  “UPI-AGRO” farms use genetic material of the superior bulls from the TOP-100.
Meat production business is represented by a pig farm in Gorodkivka Kryzhopil district.


11 500commodity pigs per year

Average weight -185 kg

The Company is also invested in meat production, and has a pork farm in the Gorodkivka Kryzhopil district. As in other spheres of operation, the Company adheres to the most recent developments in breeding pigs and feed production, with a special focus on biosafety issues.

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